Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sin Eaters

 Lots of potential in Anna Moench's play Sin Eaters, which I checked out for the Times, but it doesn't quite come to fruition. Click here for the review.


 In the horror movie Shook, a killer targets social-media influencers. Oh how I wish it was better. Thataway for the review.

Streaming theater: anniversaries

 My latest column about streaming theater leads with two big anniversaries: 35 years for The Colored Museum and 25 for Rent. Check it out here.

Friday, February 05, 2021

Streaming theater for February

 Streaming theater continues unabated and here's my latest roundup.

Blood Meal

 Scott R. Sheppard wrote a play for Theater in Quarantine. Not only is it good, but the technical aspects of the staging blew me away. Read more here.

Barbara Sukowa

 Strike another one from the dream list of interviews: I chatted with Barbara Sukowa for the New York Times. Profile is here.