Monday, July 26, 2021
Woodstock 99
The Two Noble Kinsmen
Shakespeare in the Parking Lot is back — though I caught its show not, technically speaking, in a parking lot but in Bryant Park. Click here for my review.
July's Science-fiction column
My latest New York Times column covering streaming science-fiction movies is out and I found some goodies for the fans out there. Click here for five links.
More theater to stream
I have been traveling and working on a time-intensive stories so I've fallen behind on posting links to my stories. Here's my latest theater-streaming guide, just as I start working on the next one, which is running next week!
Thursday, July 01, 2021
Mood board with Nida Manzoor
We Are Lady Parts is one of my favorite TV shows of the year so talking to its creator, Nida Manzoor, about her influences was a wonderful treat. Thataway for Virginie Despentes et al.
50 Years of The Ed Sullivan Show
The TV show's official YouTube channel is a treasure trove, and I spent hours and hours going through it to select some of the most interesting numbers. Sorry, no Beatles. Click here for a portal to Vanilla Fudge, Harry Belafonte and Ethel Merman.
Torrey Townsend and Robert O'Hara
Another fascinating meeting with two opinionated creators: playwright Torrey Townsend and director Robert O'Hara, discussing their show Off Broadway (the title is a search-engine nightmare). Read what they have to say.
Ann Dowd and Robert Icke
As soon as I saw how Ann Dowd and Robert Icke interacted in our conversation about their project, Enemy of the People, I knew my article had to be done as a Q&A. Two lovely, smart people having an exchange of ideas. Thataway.
Streaming theater: live from Britain and Greek classics
Theater is back IRL but streaming offers are still plentiful. A harbinger: British companies are now streaming select performances of their IRL offerings. They are ahead of American ones in that respect. Click here for more.